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My Experience & How I Can

Help You Change Yours...

I know the anguish and frustration of holding myself back from fulfilling my dreams and potential, I know how it feels to lose faith and not want to go on.

But I've transformed my life from grief to gold, from tragedy to comedy... 


Using the magic of spiritual teachings, personal development practices and storytelling, I've found connection to a purpose and presence that is bigger than me. The unconditional love and life force energy that is available to us all. 


My mission is to help you use storytelling to taste the

freedom, love and joy of Drunk On Life Living too...

“Sarah has the ability to take control of situations in a graceful,

diplomatic manner and has a strong sense of leadership.” 







Jennifer Borg 

Director, Bop Till You Drop

Jen headshot Bor22-cropped.jpg





Sarah Walton is a writer, director, storyteller currently working on various romantic comedies including a Hallmark Channel film. Sarah has worked in Marketing at Buena Vista International (Disney), & written and performed sketch & stand up comedy for The Westside Comedy Theatre and The Tao Comedy Studio, LA.


Her films have been officially selected for festivals & competitions in Italy, Austria and the US, including The Burbank International Film Festival, Cinefest, & The PAGE International Screenwriting Competition, LA.


She runs her own holistic film production company FEEL GOOD Films, she holds holistic storytelling workshops, works with Screencraft and Coverfly to nurture upcoming writers, and performs Romantic Comedy Stand Up™.


Sarah is passionate about using her experience of over 20 years in entertainment and over 16 years in personal development to use the power of storytelling to spread love and joy and transform people's lives!


Her experience includes:

* 7+ years working for Coverfly/Screencraft as a Script & Story Consultant

* Performing, writing and studying comedy improv, sketch, stand up 

(incl. The Westside Comedy Theatre & The Tao Comedy Studio, Los Angeles)

* Melbourne Fringe Festival show Sober.Celibate.Sexy.Love!

* Working in film, TV, theatre, commercials & print for big brands

incl. Coca Cola, Davidoff, Toyota, Peter Jones, La Mama Theatre etc.

* Masters in Writing and Directing, VCA (honors)

* Diploma in Screen and Media, RMIT

* Certificate 3 in fitness, The Australian Institute of Fitness

* 3 years Meisner training, The Actor's Pulse & 5 years training and shows, HTC

* 6 years public speaking with Toastmasters International (several awards

incl. winner of Toastmasters International Contests)

* Work as a writer, copywriter, ghostwriter, blogger for various publications

* 3+ years running kids dance parties & events for Bop Till You Drop

* Studied teaching at ACU

*Trauma coaching training trauma coaching incl. functional medicine

* Numerous personal development courses, classes, books and teachings including:

The Landmark Forum, Laurie-Anne King, Melanie Tonia Evans, A Course In Miracles,

Eckhart Tolle, Esther Hicks, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Michael Beckwith, Lisa Nichols,

Mastin Kipp, Sarah Baldwin, Kate Northrup, Amanda Frances, Mel Browne, Denise Duffield.

* Practiced and/or studied several healing modalities including: EFT (tapping),

Polyvagal theory, yoga, classical pilates, dance, psychotherapy, counseling,

Gestalt therapy, CBT, IFS, art therapy, 

spiritual & life coaching, 12 years of Vipassana Meditation.


The areas of my life I've personally transmuted from grief to gold are: anxiety, panic attacks,

sexual trauma, abuse, depression, financial instability, low self worth and poor health, alcohol and drug abuse, addiction, chronic back pain, stomach and hip surgery, near fatal car accident & PTSD.


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©2017 by Sarah Walton. 
Everything with Heart, Humor & Hope

Melbourne & Gold Coast, Australia.  Los Angeles, USA.

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